Tag Archives: Tierwohl

Bouquet, Taste & Textures

A prerequisite for experiencing a culinary firework display – as well as the rat Rémy does in the legendary animated film Ratatouille knew how to make his brother Emile experience it – is the sense of taste and smell.

Of the classical senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching, smelling – olfactory perception – remains by far the most important and strongest of our senses. Continue reading Bouquet, Taste & Textures

Gut Bressau

In recent years, Polish heifers on German plates have become a real insider tip – often the ideal conditions for breeding and keeping them are unjustly misjudged regarding our direct neighbour. The exclusive supplier R&S therefore showed the right instinct when they started out with heifer meat from Gut Bressau. Continue reading Gut Bressau

Curry shashlik

Hello dear readers, today I would like to introduce you to one of my latest shashlik (kind of shish kebab) variations – basically a domestic remake of the beloved “snack stand shashlik”. It all started for me in autumn 2020 – somehow it felt like a hundred years had passed since I last enjoyed a good shashlik at one of my favourite stands. Continue reading Curry shashlik